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- Kris Kramer
Oath Breaker Part 1 Page 3
Oath Breaker Part 1 Read online
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I've been with many women in my long life, more than I could possibly count. I should be proud of that fact, and maybe most men would be. But not me. After a while, most of those women just became yet another nameless, faceless warm body lying next to me at night. Nothing more than a means to an end. And because of that, it would be pointless to relate any of those encounters unless they served a purpose, but that's exactly what happened this night. I'd been infatuated with Melinna since dinner, and even though I couldn't get her to look my way, much less speak to me all night, I was completely unable to shake her from my mind. I never took no for answer, though, and I was pretty certain that over the course of this week I'd be able to get her alone and work my effortless charms on her, and then get her into my bed. I had no problem attracting women in my youth. Being a half-elf had served me well in that regard. So I had faith that I could woo her enough to make her mine, provided that she wasn't frigid, of course.
And so it was that I thought of Melinna that night as I lay in my room, alone, lying on a simple servant's bed that had been set aside for me during our stay, dreaming that she'd make this easy and come to me now. And for a moment, when I heard the soft knocking on my door, I was convinced she'd actually done just that. I bounded up out of bed, unconcerned about wearing only pants, and opened the door to find Lord Brecon's daughter standing before me, wearing a thin, silk robe over a thin white shift, and with a nervous smile on her face.
Only it was not Melinna who came to my room that night. It was Meranna. The fat one.
“Good evening,” she said quietly, avoiding my gaze.
“Uhhhhhhhh... hi.” I looked around at the hall behind her, suddenly hoping no else could see this.
“May I come in?” she asked.
“I, uh...” I froze, trying to make sense of all the confusing thoughts swirling about in my head. There weren't many reasons why a woman showed up at a man's room, dressed in such a way, but I desperately tried to think of some.
“Of course.”
She slipped in and closed the door behind her, and my pulse quickened. I wasn't attracted to her, and I was more than annoyed that it was her standing in front of me and not her beautiful sister, the one who still pestered my thoughts. But then I realized that I was in a small room, alone, and half naked, with a woman who really wasn't much more dressed than I. Plus, I was already somewhat aroused because I'd been thinking about Melinna. But I wasn't desperate. At least I didn't think so.
“So, why are you here, my Lady?”
She blushed, and looked at the floor. “I wanted to say thank you for tonight. For honoring me.”
Honoring her? For a second I wondered if she was even at the right room and if this was all some kind of mix up.
“I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean by that, my Lady.”
“At dinner. The drink.”
“The drink?” Now I was sure she had the wrong room. I shook my head, trying to remember what she could be talking about. I also considered the possibility that Saras had somehow convinced her to play a horrible prank on me, and I looked forward to dreaming up painful ways to repay him. She looked just as confused as I did, though. And for a moment I thought I saw fear on her face. Not fear for her life, of course, but the kind you feel when you've just expressed something intimate to someone who might reject you.
“I thought that when I sent you that ale, that you'd accepted my... overture.” She looked at the floor now, or her feet, or anywhere but at me.
“Your what?” I said. “What ale?”
“The ale at dinner tonight. The servant brought it to you. He should have said it was from me.”
Now I understood. This explained the ale from the someone in the court. Up until then I'd just thought it was a token of appreciation, or hospitality, or some other stupid court custom. Not the mating ritual for a lonely widow. I silently cursed Saras for not being behind this. “You sent that to all the men, though, right?”
Shock covered her face. “I did not! I sent it only to you, I swear on it!”
“There's no need for that.” I sat down on the bed, trying to figure out my options. Seeing her at my door after spending the evening daydreaming of her sister was like having a bucket of cold water thrown on my head. So my wits weren't entirely about me. But regardless of her failings when compared to her sister, she was still a woman, who could no doubt do womanly things, and I was having a hard time pushing those thoughts out of my head. “I believe you.”
She was also a Lord's daughter, and there was no reason I couldn't help myself to two of them while I was here.
“I should leave,” she said, her voice quivering, and she headed for the door. “I've embarrassed us both.”
“No.” I reached over and grabbed her wrist before she could open the door. She stopped and looked at me, so I let go of her. “I apologize for my mistake at dinner. I do remember the ale you sent me. It was loud and I didn't hear the servant, so I thought the drink was from someone else. It's my fault entirely.” I leaned over a bit to catch her downward gaze, and she looked at me. “There's no need to leave just yet.”
She stood quietly for a moment, probably gathering her nerve, then sat down next to me on the bed, which creaked. I nearly smiled at that, but I kept my composure. We both sat there for a long moment, neither of us saying a word, until she finally leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. When she stopped, she looked at me, for approval no doubt, and I finally just let myself get caught up in the moment. I kissed her back, and we both leaned down until we were lying side by side on the bed. I have to admit that she was a good kisser, which was rare amongst the more cultured women I met. Usually, the best kissers were whores and low-born women, but I was quite sure Meranna could hold her own against the best of them.
“Perhaps,” I said, in between the kisses, “there is something I could give to you tonight to make up for the drink.” She smiled, and surprisingly did not blush. That told me all I needed to know about her.
“I would like that, my Lord,” she said, then started kissing me again. She pushed my shoulder down until I lay on my back, and then leaned over and started kissing my cheek, and then my neck. I stared up at the ceiling, glad that I could now imagine her as someone else, though not as her sister. I wouldn't be able to make that fantasy work at all, although I did remember a plump whore in Pelinor named Irena who would work just fine for tonight. In truth, Meranna wasn't an ugly woman. She had a pretty face, and large, trusting blue eyes that truly could lure you into her snare. But I liked Irena better, so I tried to picture in my mind the last time I'd been with her, ignoring the weight on my legs as Meranna began to straddle me.
“Is this not like a dream, milord?” she said, pressing her lips against my chest.
“Yes,” I replied carelessly. “The kind where I'm unable to run.”
She stopped and looked up at me, and I quickly regretted saying that. “What does that mean?”
I knew that despite what I thought of her, I was sufficiently aroused enough to go through with this, provided I didn't have to spend all night with her. But I could always use a little extra motivation, so reminded myself again that she was a lord's daughter, and it's not every day you get the chance to defile important people. “It means that your beauty transfixes me, milady, so that my legs turn weak when I look at you.”
She must have thought that a decent enough lie since she continued to work on my chest, for which I was grateful since I could look back at the ceiling. One of her hands went down to unfasten my pants, which she was able to do quite easily.
“You've done this before.”
She stopped again and looked up at me, suddenly nervous. “Are you displeased?”
“What? Why'd you stop?”
“I was worried that you were upset that I've been with oth... with another man.”
“No. Of course not. Not at all.” I pushed her head back down to my chest. “Now keep doing what you were just doing.”
I would
guess that we spent most of an hour together that night, and even though I detested talking to her, I did enjoy her more pleasurable talents. Just before she left, we lay together in bed, her holding me close, her leg draped over mine, while I ran my free hand across her stomach, quietly pondering what it felt like to walk around with so much weight.
“Would you sit with me at dinner tomorrow?” she asked sweetly, unaware that I had no desire at all to be seen in public with her.
“My dear, you're a lovely woman, but I wouldn't want to impinge on your honor or your standing amongst the other women here, so I think it best that we do or say nothing that would let anyone know what's happened here tonight.” That should be enough to placate her for a few days.
“I'm sure you could sit with me without anyone knowing we've already...”
“I think it's best that we just avoid each other. To be safe. It's all about appearances in a place like this. We wouldn't want the other captains to become jealous of my new standing. You must think about your father's efforts here, too.”
“I see.” She was clearly disappointed.
“That's my girl,” I said, while fondling her breast.